How to install and configure MetaMask

To interact with this app, installing MetaMask and configuring it correctly is necessary.
To do this, just follow the 4 steps that are indicated in continuation.

    1. Installing MetaMask

      MetaMask is an extension of the browser available for Chrome and Firefox.
      The first step is to install the MetaMask add-on to your browser.
      Once you’ve done this, a fox icon appears on your browser bar.
      To install the MetaMask extension to your browser, you can download it from the official site

    2. Creating an account on MetaMask

      Click on “Create Wallet”.
      MetaMask will generate the new keys for the account and it will also be necessary to establish a password to protect the recently created keys.
      MetaMask will show a list of 12 words which will have to be noted down together with the password on a sheet of paper and carefully guarded.

    3. Connecting MetaMask to the Binance Smart Chain

      By default, MetaMask is connected to the Ethereum network. However, to use this app you need to connect it to the Binance Smart Chain.
      Click on your account’s avatar photo and then, on “configuration”.
      At continuation, select “Networks” and then “Add Network”. A form will open and you will have to fill it out with the following data:

      • Name of the network: BSC
      • New URL of the RCP:
      • ChainID: 56
      • Symbol: BNB
      • URL of the Explorer Block:

      And last, guard the data introduced.

    4. Add USDT token

      to add the ERC20 USDT token that operates on the Binance Smart Chain, click on “Add Token”.
      In the field “Smart Contract address”, you must paste the following address:


      The remaining fields will be completed automatically. Click on “Next”.